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Within the past 15 yrs I was stationed in namphong Thailand from 1973 to 1974 I was attached to the airwing and we supported the war from there. Nakhon Phanom was a front line base during the Secret War yet you dont mention it. Good luck to those attempting to get benefits. I have prostate cancer and I have provided proof that I was there and is still awaiting a decision. If you were there you were in contact with agent orange. The U.S. Army maintained a Satellite Communications Station at the U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airbase (the home of the B-52 . Udorn RTAFB: Base Map. Some aircraft carry nosearts which means that the photo must have been taken in 1967 (Thanks to Rodney Trimble). For those stationed at Korat: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/thailandherbicideexposureclaims-151116154523-lva1-app6891/95/agent-orange-and-thailand-veterans-26-638.jpg?cb=1447688816. A bridge. I was at Ubon from 3/71-3/72. Debellevue, scored four kills flying with Capt. Several years ago I met a CIA analyst who during our chat told me served at Udorn as an Air Force enlisted man. I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! We never used them. I supplied them one, and they still said no. F-4D fighter aircraft #66-0267 at Homestead Air Force Base, Fla., circa 1989. Working on his 2nd now. It is scaled at 1:1,562,500 and provides coverage for all of Thailand. What would pictures of Thailand be without some of these? They will guide you on the process. Any advice is appreciated. Both times, I was blown off (military records confirm this). To all my brothers,WELCOME HOME!! ASA units in Thailand, clarified by Gary Kay: The 5th RRU was there first, of course, and it morphed into the 83rd RRSOU, still in Bangkok. Got kicked out of Thailand in December 1975 due to a disagreement between Nixon and Thailands King. I showered from old tanks the mommasoms had no.idea where water came from.but got infections . I remember how close the jungle was to the perimeter wire when I first arrived. If you belong to any FB groups like the ones I mentioned, please check for my name and contact me. I was in UDORN in 1969 to 1970 as an RF4c Mechanic. I started taking my medications and the A1c was not coming down. The VA should be ashamed for the poor service they provide the veterans and also for working so hard to deny us these disability entitlements. First, I want to express my sympathy for your loss. The Title: Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. I worked in POL @ Utapao from May 1973 to May 74. stationed at Korat Airbase in 1973-1975 looking for a medic by the name Wayne Berry. Or is everything still so secret about the U-2 in 1975 that mum is still the word? Gregory Soccio - Soccio1 AT verizon.net ([email protected]): I was stationed with the 6280th Combat Support Hospital unit at Takhli, Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand from October/November 1973 through August 1974.I am looking for any service members who served at Takhli and would be willing to write a "buddy letter" describing your memory of the base layout and any memory of herbicide . Dont give up keep fighting for our rights and benefits. Parkinsons has come up in discussion in the last year. Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base (Udorn RTAFB) is a Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) base, the home of 23rd Wing Air Command. I was a Radio Communications Analysis Specialist. Since 2000 I have found a great passion. The list also contains theUTM coordinates of the installations. I was there when the Thai workers and an airman arrived in a pickup truck and pulled what was a converted Water Buffalo tanker. Hope this helps you out. I was with the 49 tfw,New Mex, Da Nang, places in Thailand, left with the 366 tfw, discharged in Mt. I was a mechanic/crew chief/flight engineer on a Kaman HH43B. I have a question for any officer veteran stationed near Sattahip in the late 1960s. Bud Snyder: Any info/maps showing the location/flightline of the US NAVY P3 patrol squadron detachment I was also at Udorn ,Thailand in 1974 to 75 as a RF-4C crew chief. Although this map does not provide enough detail toclearly illustratethe perimeter of any specificbase,it doesindicate how massive the American presence was in Thailand and helps to inform the scale of the related problem of Agent Orange exposure. Worked on the trim pad. The VA telks me nothing is service connected except the diabetes. I was stationed at udon Royal Thai airbase from September 1975 to February 1976. It should also bementioned that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange on their website. Adobe Acrobat PDF format, about 290K in size. The Air Force literally flew me around the world from RAF Upper Heyford UK to repair one Voodoo in Udorn I worked on the jet on the flight line adjacent to perimeter. Ive filed once and was told I need witnesses to back my elavs and work assignment. Every base was sprayed. I have neuropathy in my feet, I have had recurring problems with spinal stenosis. How can we do that? Looking for AF vets from that time frame. Stationed at Takhli from Jan29 to Feb70 with the 355th FMS as OIC of the Accessory Sys. Last mission was the rescue of the S.S. Mayuguez crew captured by Cambodian Communists on May 15, 1975. Our shop truck would pull up to the plane and we downloaded our stuff and proceeded to the well-guarded shop. CREW CHIEF ON F-4E PHANTOMS WHITE SECTION 421st BLACK WIDOWS, HAVE PROSTATE CANCER 2018 Didnt happen. I didnt know what it was back then. I worked the Hot Pad just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. Just had my Moderna shots recently at Dingell Hodpital, just trying to stay alive! I am sure once 99 percent of us are dead, the VA will finally accept that we all were exposed to the chemicals and should not have to fight for acknowledgement to that fact. My career field was supply administration but on arrival, I was attached to security forces as an augmented member for the first four months. At that time I was seen and diagnosed with Vitiligo. Service officers tell me different things. Do not be fooled by lack of public attention or the passage of time! I have several photos of Phu Mu but none to my knowledge of Mukdahon, a friend of mine may have some photos of Mukdahon. One last thing. info on my precise site and barracks locations? Many things have started happening like Parkinsons decease, neuropathy, I was stationed on Hill 272 July 1968 to July 1969. Neuropathy sever. I was Security Police. Was on TDY Mar through Aug 1973 (from Nellis AFB) Worked out of POL as a Flightline Monitor. The attached photo shows Gary on the left and me on the right." . Stationed on Tahkli RAFB 1973, I filed a claim for my peripheral neuropathy is July of 2018, I was officially awarded exposure to agent orange by a VA doctor who was handling my case. I have not filed as I dont live in the USA. Richard L. Etchberger at Udorn Air Base, Thailand, shortly before his death in March 1968 during a battle at a secret U.S. radar site on a . It was a old Golf Course up in the mountains. I was born after he came home to Tallahassee, FL so never knew him before his deployment obviously but apparently he came back with some issues that he didnt have before. that area was build by the navy seebee, not the red horse. I was in NKP Dec 69 Dec 70. my working other odd jobs(such as spraying weeds around culverts.Sprayed weeds in off base storage yard and etc. The aircraft was flown by Capt. He filed for claims in 2016 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. EX CPL, 594 SIG TROOP , 2 SIG REGIMENT ADF. See more ideas about vietnam war, thailand, usaf. I have been trying for 3 years to get COMPENSATION with NO GO from the VA. Can you help what do you guys think pretty sorry. Nkp June 67 June 68 munitions bomb dump special project seeding trails south with bomblets and sensors.ao used to clear diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was stationed at nkp Thailand May 1971 thru May 1972,SPS security. 47TFS. I have helped 3 Thailand vets get approved by sending the following with their claims It is located in the city of Udon Thani in northern Thailand and is now the main airport serving the city and province. Then again in 74 75 for 8 months at Utapao for the cambodian air lift.I joined the navy in 76 and started having sever head aches that resulted in nerological problems.Brain damage. VA states I gotta prove it, thats its agent orange connected.VA government. I am the proud type of guy that didnt want any government assistance but the older and poorer I get, I need to swallow the pride. Has anyone received a positive resolution with the VA. Stationed at Camp Friendship Korat 67-68. Charlie has so many of the same issues. Would like to contact you. Of course it spread around the base. F-104C 57-927 with Rodney Trimble flying a turn over the Thai countryside. Just as routinely, RF-4s flying out of Udorn air refueled only prior to the rare mission which included F-4 companionship--or, after a mission over (nom de guerre: Hot Dog) North Vietnam which recovered at Tan Son Nhut. You served our country over there in a foreign land, were exposed to that horrible AO while doing so, and the VA should be paying benefits to any veteran with any cancer that can be linked to any exposure to AO while serving. Our aircraft U21 LE and LJ were returned to the States. If you were there and remember AIC Bennett , send me an e-mail. A bright spot in my life. Thank you for your service and Welcome Home! What other tasks did he do that could have brought him to the perimeter? The base issituated in the upper leftof the map. Stationed at Ubon RTAFB all of 1973 with 8th SPS-K9. My husband was at Udorn and died at 48 from massive heart attack. Greatly appreciate any information. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. He was denied. I was a jet mechanic at Ubon from 1969 -1970. Heart attack and by-pass in 1999,Gaul Bladder removal,Prostate cancer,Rheumatoid Arthritis,two operations for blocked arteries in leg,Cysts in groin. I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. Trying to help a friend with his benefits, he was with the 23rd Tac Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai AFB during summer 1973 but cant find any personnel documents that list the names of people who were sent there. HAVE A APPEAL IN, LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT WORK IN MY SECTION. During my TDY, we were at the perimeter of Utapao daily with the aircraft preparing for each trip and return. I was assigned to 307th AMS as bomb nav sys technician on the B52D bomber for a total of three years from july 1979-july 1972. I have no photos om me at the base. Let me know about agent orange problems. VA has given me my hearing aids. (Courtesy photo by Michael E. Fader) Also defended the base March15/16 overnight attack by NV soldiers setting up a mortar as a diversion signal to the others that were to attack through the main gate. I was a supply tech 64550 i made bi weekly runs to Takhli to pick up supplies usually a 3 day trip. Am 6 foot 3 inch Af American. I was a weapons mechanic working on the 20MM cannon on the F-105,F-4C,F-4D,F-4E and a little on the AC-130 gunship. We (expeditionary elements of Task Force Delta) had NOTHING when we arrived there in the spring of 72..no food (other than C-Rats) and no sleeping quarters other than our sea bags to prop up up against in one of the four wooden structures along the aircraft parking apron. Although I have acquired a variety of medical ailments over the years (heart issues, type 2 diabetes), I dont believe I had significant AO exposure related to my duties there, based on my reading of this. Bluehawk said: Seeking any information remembered about tragic crash of a disabled aircraft upon attempting to land at Udorn, into a communications hut, with the loss of crew and as many as 6 intel gathering airmen inside the building, on 10 Apr 70. All I can say is thank you to those who served in Thailand. Anyone else remember this time? You can find a full copy of Operation Ranch Hand which states that all South East Asia bases will have the areas around the perimeters sprayed and and the run ways will be kept cleared for the planes, put that report in with your claim as proof of what they did. While at the Sacramento VA in December 2013, having receiving my laboratory test results, I was informed to drop by my VFW Veteran Service Officer (located on the first floor of the Sacramento VA) to file a VA Claim. I served in Ubon Air force base late 70-71 as a mechanic. Tell an interesting story or get a smile from someone else's memories. After May 7th, I am sure they did not go out to the perimeter fences and do a massive AO cleanup. I would like to hear from any veteran who served in Korat and is living with bladder cancer, and from any of the guys that were in the 331st Bluestreak the same time I was. Debellevue (six MiG kills) and Lt. I served at Ubon RTAFB 1969-1970. I served in USAF at Korat RTAB 73-74 with 388th Fighter Wing MOS 461 Munitions. Her husband served at U-Tapao from June 1971 June 1973, his MOS was Aerospace Ground Equipment Vehicle Operator, working with B52s and KC135s. and tell me what awards such as VSM and CIB. Prior to the formation on of the squadron, support personnel were provided by temporary duty personnel from the 35th Tactical Group at Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force Base. I do believe that every Service Member who was Deployed to Thailand was affected in some fashion medically and health wise. SSG E6, NCOIC KHON KAEN. Anyone remember Kenneth Hamlin? This would help NKP vets. We had God bless to all my USAF brothers that served in Southeast Asia. I just received a VA letter dated Feb 6, 2023 that states If you were previously denied for disability compensation benefits, you may now be eligible and are encouraged to apply if you performed covered service in the following locations during the specified timeframes: Thailand at any U.S. or Royal Thai base during the period beginning Jan 9, 1962 and ending June 30, 1976, regardless of where on the base you were located or what specialty you performed. I am trying to find out what they sprayied the antenna field with to keep the weeds down. Co. of which I was a member. the lima site was attacked by rockets in 1971 while i was there. I was stationed Udorn RTAFB 74-75 Corrosion Control, flight line and beyond. Still fighting agentorange heart surgery 2007. Clint. 1967-1968. I learned of my exposure to Agent Orange on April 29, 201947 years after the fact. Worked both flight line which included trips to do end of runway checks, which was on the perimeter of the base. What dont they want me to know? Told I qualified d not to worry, they still refused and said his opinion was just that an opinion and the VA doesnt have to follow his recommendations. Not so Silent Partner: Thailands Role in Covert Operations . Cartographic information for the series was gathered from aerial photography conducted in the 1950s. From there we went on missions taking supplies, to where we were told, Cambodia. I was stationed at U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Base from June 1972 to June 74.I was assigned to NKP 01 Oct 75. Is there anyone out there that has the same experience?? I am still trying to fight this though. For those veterans that served at U-Tapao RTNB, I WOULD love to know that there was a klong (creek) running sort of parallel to the main gate entrance road? Looking for anyone who was there because you walk out revetment and the perimeter fence was across the street and had a bunker on the corner of the road going to the bomb dump. 2006 WCS Gorilla Reunion. I left the police quick. I was stationed at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base from September 69 to September 70. Found I had CLL in November of 2018. Captain. Im about to have my 6th surgery. Fast forward, got non-hopkins lymphoma. I was an aircraft mechanic/crew chief with 555TFS. The ground-based Direct Air Support Center, (DASC) and the Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Centers (ABCCC) operated here. Read our Comment and Posting Policy. Those of us that lived in the hooches while there we were in the AO drift zone. I served with the 1st signal brigade us army 442nd signal battalion company c . My dad was in Ubon and Udorn Thailand in 1964 and 1965. During my annual physical exam with lab work my doctor found I had diabetes and high BP. I transferred to the VA clinic in St. George, UT. If anyone could reach out to me that would be great. During my stay the C-123 aircraft that sprayed the base, landed and were located just a stones throw from our flight line. I hear all of you who have served and are not getting satisfaction for compensation/treatment for related Agent Orange conditions. Worked on the flight line as a Crew Chief on EB-66s tail# 424 My brother Maj Bobby M Jones MD, USAF Flight Surgeon, was stationed in Udorn Thailand Sept 1972 Nov 28 2972. If anyone has information on Agent Orange that proves that AO was there during that time frame, that information would be greatly appreciated. The first base of operations for American forces was at Takhli Royal Thai Air force Base, which is located approximately 144 miles northwest of Bangkok. 8th Security Police Squadron. Thanks for your help and of course, thanks for your service! Have had surgeries for Sqaumus Cell and Basil Cell carcinoma. Geography and Map Division All nugs pfc pullef perimeter guard in ops area due to having clearances. To July 1969 the mountains had no.idea where water came from.but got infections assigned to nkp 01 Oct 75 such! 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udorn air base thailand photos
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