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https://catholictruthblog.com/2020/10/20/brain-damage-from-masks-cannot-be-reversed-stop-wearing-yours/. The popes failed to obey and so the errors of Russia did spread, notably the error of atheistic totalitarian governance first to China and thereafter to other nations. Sr Lucia would make the 15 minute meditation, one a month, for the 15 decades of the Rosary, which would take 15 months, starting at the Annunciation and ending with the Coronation, so by the time she had finished the meditations for the whole 15-decade Rosary, she had done 3 sets of First Five Saturday devotions over 15 months. In fact, the more they attempt to appease the world, the more the world responds with utter contempt for them. I think truly people forget how minor this experience is compared to after here and to be sticking with the material world and excuses doesnt sound like it could go over too well. Today, a brief discussion on the symbols we see in the Vision of La Salette and their possible meaning to us now. Parolin? David Rodrguez was born and raised in El Paso. Spot on. The wearing of them has become an imposition with Police enforcement. David Rodrguez was born and raised in El Paso. All of this by 2025! 20th Aug 2021. Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Humanity is contaminated with evil and my poor children pursue the paths of self-destruction. There is still time to reflect on these prophecies and see if together, humanity might drive our destiny down a different path. He graduated as valedictorian from the University of Texas - El Paso with a BS in Electrical Engineering in 1995, and worked in the semiconductor industry. At one time, it was speculated that it was to be announced in 1960. But then they do think the Consecration of Russia was done in 1984 and 37 years later, I dont see a lot of world peace . Sister Lucia did the 15 minute meditation like this. 4. He, Teresa Farris-Dacar is a Traditional Catholic from birth and a, While all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, O, Editors Note: The Fourth Part discussed the Message of La Salette and Marie-Julie Jahennys prophecy concerning Three Days, Given the recent measures taken by our local and national governments in response to the coronavirus crisis, The, Remember man, that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return. Furthermore, in this prophetic vision, we glimpse the powerful protection of our loving Mother of whom Pope John Paul II is all hers. In this prophetic revelation of the third secret of Fatima, the importance of Mary as the Mother of the Church, who is the Queen of Saints and Martyrs, is underscored. (We estimate this to be at around 1:45 P.M. EST on Friday.). It is our hope that The Fatima Center's 2023 calendar will find its way into the hands of many Catholics, to serve as a devotional tool, by which those who love God may advance in holiness through fervent prayer and penance, and by faithfully living Our Blessed Mothers Fatima Message. Well I have another link to provide that the UK government is planning on a trial basis The Covid Passport to show that you have been vaccinated. Astounding. The true Faith, true worship, and true virtue, such as obedience, hold center stage in the Message of Fatima, yet these have been terribly eroded by modernism. You want me to give you a sign for everyone to accept my words through you as a middleman as I tell humanity what will come. Only time will tell if the prophecies are correct that we are indeed, in the End of Time. No? This lack of compliance results in the ongoing wars that afflict the world. NOW, WHAT DO WE HAVE TO SAY IN ORDER TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN? The earthquake will cause destruction of much of the earth, some parts will break apart and cause great disaster., What should humanity do? Mother Lucia asks, and the Virgin answers: Dont leave home and dont let anyone strange into it, new and unknown people appearing to be good will ask to join them with their new race and way of life ignore it. Roll on Part 2. Tucker Carlson had a GREAT program tonight!! Recent versions of the Litany distributed by WAF have had this line expunged. Not remotely Id say the pope to follow the current pontiff assuming he is not of the same mind will definitely have much to suffer. TWO: Those very people ARE a major problem, and the epidemic cant be controlled without controlling themwith masks, distancing, and lockdowns. Tue May 26, 2020 - 2:09 pm EDT. Heres one example, for starters: https://www.newsweek.com/isis-pope-terror-beheading-propaganda-poster-wafa-christmas-717553. Our Lady of Fatima. The Fatima Prophecies predicted the whole thing as well as many other details concerning the Roman Catholic Church. He founded the International Association of Exorcists in 1990. A man in a very important position will be assassinated and this will provoke the war. to wipe out all humanity many times over. There will be uncontrolled killings, people will kill each other, many people will suffer., The Virgin told Lucia: Go my child and tell the world what will come to pass during the years 1950 2001. May 13, 2022, marks the 105th anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition at Fatima. Prophecies Already Fulfilled: The Four Chastisements, Proving Jesus Christ Was a Real, Historical Person, Brain-Death Is a Legal Fiction Enabling Murder by Mutilation. 'How the mighty are fallen'. God rest his soul. Heres more evidence (if it were needed) that the virus is being used to introduce Communism across the once free-world. Just over a week later, Our Lady began to appear at Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children: Lucia dos Santos, age 10, and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, ages 9 and 7. The Lady promised to come back on July 13, 1917. To attempt to answer your lead question of this thread, here is what Abp. "I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. On May 13, 1917, Lucia dos Santos, Francisco, and Jacinta Marto were, respectively, ten, nine, and seven years old. In talking with the villagers, most notably Serafin and Paquita Gonzales (Serafinnow deceased . This will not come about, however, until enough people pray and make sacrifices. The blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children, indifference, or scorn or even hatred of this Immaculate Mother; Your entitled to your own view. PS I meant to add if you make a spiritual First Saturday, do all of it with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank for posting it. This number is growing. Because of the way the second secret ends, trailing off into a vision that is the third secret (which is actually a visual representation of the last sentence of the second secret), the third secret was withheld from the public. I had already revealed it to the children Melania and Maximino, in La Salette, and today I repeat it to you because humanity sinned and trampled on the gifts God has given. An example from one of her messages is below: " I gave the world the prophecies in 1917, but the last secret of Fatima was not revealed, so terrifying was it for those within the Catholic Church. Novena to Our Lady of Fatima - Day 1. But if all of humanity, and all the Church, and even future human aspirations are being consecrated, then how exactly does this prayer single out Russia for the role appointed it by Providence? | Joseph Ferrara Our Lady of Fatima in LA Archdiocese via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0). For the instruction of ny fellow Catholics, not to oppose the Blessed Virgin Mary. Your monthly donation will help our team continue reporting the truth, with fairness, integrity, and fidelity to Jesus Christ and his Church. The three secrets of Fatima are: A vision of the souls in Hell. New book proves it was neither an illusion nor a hoax! For men are being led by the devil, planting hatred and revenge everywhere. One of the children wrote down the third part, the contents of which were not released to the public until 2000. I mean they are not giving an accurate representation of the sun. Where are they located?? Thats a fantastic video at the top, Sister Lucia was right she certainly was. 1. Then she concluded: nevertheless, Our Lady has already crushed his head., Cardinal Caffarra added that speaking again with John Paul II, you could feel that the family was the core, since it has to do with the supporting pillar of creation, the truth of the relationship between man and woman, between the generations. Sad to hear that Archbishop Tartaglia has died. It seems this element is important, as Our Lord had a conversation with Sister Lucia regarding the First Saturday confession: Sister Lucia asked: My Jesus! The year 2006 has come and gone, and the eight hour earthquake has not happened the three days of darkness have not manifested. Its worked. If Russia converts and there is peace in the world both occurring very soon after the consecration then we will know it was The Proper Consecration. "The third part of the message that Our Lady entrusted to the shepherds of Fatima, so that they could deliver it to the Holy Father, remains a secret today," Vigan told a Portuguese website . Catholic Prophecy. On a very cold night, ten minutes before midnight, a big earthquake is going to shake the earth for eight hours., The good, those who spread the prophecy of the Virgin of Fatima, should not fear, but others will suffer the consequences of ignoring this warning. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried by believers during a candle procession at the holy shrine of Fatima in Portugal in 2011. In a recent article on the "Secret of Fatima . Buy the con for another few years and well have an iron grip on the population. Previous popes had chosen not to give the third and final prophecy to the public because they thought the condemnation of the church, described in great detail in the prophecies, cast a dark shadow over the papacy. Blasphemies against Her Virginity; To observe. Because it wasn't expressed in a clear and uninterpretable way like the other two, and because it is periodically possible to read it again as a reference to the major world events that are recently taking shape: the experts' analysis have revealed the possibility that the third secret of Fatima referred . On October 13, 1973, Our Lady gave Sister Sasagawa this serious message: "As I said before if mankind does not repent, the Heavenly Father will inflict a very serious punishment on the whole world; a punishment the likes of which has never happened before. At the beginning of this work, the cardinal wrote a letter to Sister Lucia of Fatima through her bishop, since he could not do it directly. The new diocesan read more, Extracts below From the Athanasius of Mostar to Henryk of Medjugorje read more, The Catholics of Ireland are invited to gather, on November 26, read more, There is such blatant hypocrisy over mask-wearing And what about that read more, Comment: Only God, Our Lady and the entire court of Heaven can help us now. Downing Street Parties PROVE That The Virus Fearmongering is Mere Propaganda: Wake Up! Chronology of WW3 according to Catholic Prophecies - Matej Gavlk. Agreed. By Kimberly Bruce. Many can live after this disaster. See, in the short video below about the hard labour camps in Russia after the Communist takeover, Stalin's Answer to the Failure of Successive Popes to Consecrate Russia, and prepare for more of the same unless God's warnings - delivered in person by His Mother - are heeded. The prayer publicized by the Vatican does mention, albeit with the inclusion of much material unsolicited by the Our Lady, a consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So the layers of BS run a high percentage. They are; return to the faith that God has given you by practising repentance, sacrifice, prayer, and participation in the Eucharist. I have many colleagues (rotten word now used to describe fellow shop workers) here in Tayside from Edinburgh. I pray this rosary/offer this Mass/make this Confession, receive this Holy Communion, spend this time in meditation for the purpose of making reparation for all the blasphemies committed against Our Ladys Immaculate Heart., they were told that they must pray this consecration with all the bishops of the world on the same day. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We will encircle the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. I am the Mother of Heaven, who speaks to you and asks you to make public for everyone this message. 3. These elements seem to be sorely lacking in the words and deeds which have been leading up to Francis consecration of March 25, 2022. Remember that Gods words are not a threat, but good news. Thank you Athanasius Ive just posted a thread to report this news The current pontiff seems highly unlikely to effect the consecration of Russia. I get it now. The Vatican announced the content of the third secret of Fatima on May 13, 2000. 40 Days for Life Vigil: Christians Pray to End Abortion Isnt it the Doctor Harassing THEM. The war will begin against Rome, and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders. As part of this free service you may receive occasional offers from us at EWTN News and EWTN. DO share. The further information on the prophecies of Fatima provided by Father Augustine is alarming and make the reader question their own faith and beliefs. The Fatima Message is still timely. Watch . Or do we just make the intention on the day, the First Saturday, that this First Saturday (i.e. The Three Secrets of Fatima Revealed. We provide news about the Church and the world, as seen through the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Sister Lucia was right video is fantastic. The world needs the First Saturdays devotion it will certainly help release the many graces our world needs. After all, if Our Ladys Immaculate Heart is to triumph and reign, then it must necessarily happen alongside the Sacred Heart of Her Son, the King. Let me just say that there may be bishops/cardinals who have earned Excommunication. The climate will suddenly change, creating extreme weather. . Do we not see the ridiculousness of that? Dear Editor, That is really a worry about WordPress it would be dreadful if they started closing down blogs which supported Trump, one blog in particular! For centuries, people made their living raising sheep and other animals. Mexico City, Mexico, Oct 13, 2021 / 08:33 am. Here is where we ordered our blessed candles: Think planetary events as described by Sister Lucia cant happen? It is hard to dismiss these prophecies as religious fantasy. No saintly intercessions in Golden Censers except could enter His Temple..4. It is reported that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will also offer this consecratory prayer, but in private (presumably in his personal residence without any media coverage). David spent eight years working in parishes, directing religious formation, and in Catholic Radio, hosting call-in apologetic shows in English and Spanish. Penance, Penance, Penance! Its an absolute MUST-SEE for every member of the CT family. For years, before I read that, I had simply made (as I thought I was doing) the First Saturdays knowing that the intention of reparation was to honour the Immaculate Heart, and to make reparation for the blasphemies against Our Lady. Yet, as Our Lord told Sister Lucy, It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary. It is not too late. Would love to hear your views about Cyrus and Trump. No mention has been made of this devotion in the events leading up to the consecration. A little over one month later, on June 24, 1981, Our Lady began to appear to six children in the communist county of Yugoslavia. As far as I can see, these last few popes have been to blame for the continuaton of the spread of communism. The amount of lies vs actual truth for the common person to find is heavily one sided. . The Litany of Our Lady of Fatima, given an Imprimatur in the 1930's I think, had one petition in it saying: "Our Lady of Fatima, preserve us from the dangers of Communism". Those who are shut up in their homes will now be responsible for this large number of souls lost to ignorance. The Holy Fathers legitimate commands are very often ridiculed and ignored, even by his own clergy and flock. There will be anguish and an earthquake will soon begin that will greatly tremble the Earth. Thank you for that excellent suggestion. On Oct. 13, 1917, the occasion of Mary's sixth appearance in Ftima, the children and tens of thousands of people gathered with them witnessed a miraculous transformation of the sun, an event . Sister Lucia said: And those who forget to form this intention? She died in the convent of Coimbra where she had been living since 1948. It also helps us to bring to mind that we are doing the Five Saturdays for five specific offences against the Immaculate Heart. (February 15, 1926). Commentators abroad tend to think Edinburgh is another form of hamburger , Id love to know the identity of the commentator who expressed him/herself to be no fan of Nicola Sturgeon. This is, first and foremost, a salvation history. And then youve done the best you can under the circumstances. I take it you meant to say and then 5 months later not 15 months. There will be conflicts between religious orders. Planning on becoming a Protestant. Trust me when you begin to reconnect with earth and use your own eyes to see you will understand if and when some kind of event is coming. This is a special case. The Pacific will be controlled by China; and, Russia will invade Europe on several fronts. Thus the four prophecies predicted by Our Lady of Fatima are being fulfilled. And yet they choose some dumb excuse, some bullshit in this material world over trying to get back to the spirit, to the creator, and to beautiful earth. In one of Blessed Jacintas visions, she foresaw streets crowded with starving people, and she asked Lucy: Cant you see all those highways and roads full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat?. Immunity Card. Nevertheless, an essential part of the Message of Fatima is that the purity of the doctrine of the Faith be preserved. It doesn't matter. You saw the Prodigy of the Sun, and all believers, unbelievers, farmworkers, citizens, wise, journalists, laymen, priests, all saw it also., A great punishment will fall on all humans, not today, or tomorrow, but in the second half of the century. Who knows, with the new purge anything is possible and all manner of evil is probable. At home, close the doors and windows and do not talk to anyone who is not inside it. Not a problem. Then the sun will come out. Our Ladys Immaculate Heart will then reign. After three apparitions of the Angel of Portugal in 1916, the children began to receive visits from a luminous Lady who later identified herself as "The . Enter your email to be notified whenever a new article is published online. Prediction of the end of WWI and a prediction of the beginning of WWII as well as a request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Inexplicably, since I did not expect a reply, seeing as I had only asked for her prayers, I received a long letter with her signature, which is now in the archives of the Institute, the Italian cardinal said. As the Fatima Centre World Peace prayer states:- https://gloria.tv/post/943CD2BNMQEf1wgNGUHYuznLM Help us to understand that this grace of world peace is truly unwarranted by ourselves, and that You will grant it only through the merits of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Truly we are witnessing the fulfillment of scripture passages from Revelations. Now lets turn to the CDC. . It will fall as a ripe fruit into our hands., Even a broken clock is right twice a day . Er its not over yet. LOL! In case in doubt wich countries possess these special humans, CHECK OUT WICH COUNTRIES HAVE NOT BEEN HIT BY METEORS FROM OUTER SPACE.got dat?? Thus, this might suffice to meet Our Ladys request. Today's post is the second of our two posts on the Prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette. Are the End Times here, as the apocalyptic prophecies of Fatima predicted? This reluctance cast doubt on whether the Church had released the entire prophecy or just a part of it. That is why NO APPARITIONS OF VIRGIN MARY OCCURRED FRM 1991 TO 2017. Now on a more somber note, I found this on the internet: First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. Get notified of the latest news from the Fatima Center, Proving Jesus Christ Was a Real, Historical Person, A BLESSED AND JOYOUS CHRISTMAS! Theres no question that Communism is already here. Lead question of this thread, here is WHAT Abp the End of time a video... Revenge everywhere Pacific will be controlled by China ; and, Russia will Europe... Saturday ( i.e days of darkness have not manifested the instruction of ny fellow Catholics, not to the. Ripe fruit into Our hands., even by His own clergy and flock answer your our lady of fatima predictions 2021 question of thread... 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our lady of fatima predictions 2021
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