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The snow piled up to a height of about 20 centimeters (8 inches), according to Israeli media. After all, Israel is just some 8 million people living on land the size of Wales! Fundamentalist Christians believe that modern Israel, and not the church, will be central in world affairs at the close of this age. Since then, Israel has had to fight no fewer than five major wars for her very existence. They are the shoot I have planted, the work of my hands, for the display of my splendour, 22: The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a might nation. If you have found our website to be helpful, please consider making a contribution to help us continue to bring you the information you need. The Dead Sea Lives! Home Mystic Rabbi Reveals Prophecy: Snow This Month a Harbinger of Famine Preceding Redemption. These are the Jews who are at last honoured by the nations and who glorify God and serve Him on the Millennial earth. The atomic constants and the molecular structure of matter were made through Jesus. It may interest you to know that the word snow (Hebrewsheleg, Greekchion)appears 23x in the Bible. Also in international law, it is a sovereign states right to determine its own capital, and Israel proclaimed Jerusalem to be her capital shortly after the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948. Haifa received about 5.9 inches of snow on January 28, 1950. The Watchers Watching the world evolve and transform, Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License- 2023. In contrast, the new heaven and new earth referred to in scripture appears to be a final and eternal dispensation following the destruction of the present earth and its works by intense heat (2 Pet 3.10): I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away (Rev 21.1). He said to his servants, Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. Snow carpeted Jerusalem and the eastern Mediterranean on Thursday as a rare storm turned the Holy City into a winter wonderland but brought misery to the region's Syrian refugees. Exceptionally heavy snowstorms hit Sweden, Finland, and the Pacific Northwest this week. Joseph was to be blessed with precious things from the deep (Heb tehom: sea, abyss) lying beneath (Deut 33.13), Asher was to dip his foot in oil (Deut 34.24) and Zebulun and Issachar were to find treasures hidden in the sand (Deut 33.19). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These swings tend to hang around for a while, so the weather we have in the eastern United States, whether its cold or warm, tends to stay with us longer.. After the Holocaust, the Jewish people recognized that they must have their own state, a homeland where they could forever be safe from a repetition of such horrors. People will be born and will die in the Millennial earth, just as in the present age. But even then, they will doubt, so they will be judged during the Shemittah year and their faces will be like the rims of pots (black and sooty). In contrast to the millennial city, which has precise dimensions for construction (Ezek 45,48), the dimensions of the New Jerusalem are symbolic and highly significant: And he measured the city with a reed: twelve thousand furlongs. Maybe not. Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world, and she has the highest density of start-up companies in the world. It explains the chosen paths of Hitler and Wilberforce for example; one man destroyed humanity whilst the other helped humanity. The numbers refer to verses in Rev 21, and text in bold hints at the glory of millennial Jerusalem seen in Isa 60: Many see a future Jerusalem, a real city, at the centre of a future millennial world they see the Millennial Jerusalem. Some 80% of Israels natural water is in the north and the National Water Carrier (NWC) system conveys water from Lake Galilee southwards. See Rebuilding the Temple. Heavy snow started falling in Israel on February 6, 1950, with Jerusalem receiving 23.6 inches of snow. This is the fourth winter in a row that reports of snow or ice were given in this region. Saudi Arabias Asir Province for the first time in 50 years, according to local media, with temperatures dropping below -2 C (28.4 F). Whilst western nations led by the US and the UN favour the two-state approach, it is NOT the solution favored by the Palestinian Authority, Hamas or the Palestinian people! First note that the tribes of millennial Israel will be allotted equal and parallel strips of land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea (see Israels future borders). A detailed description of a future sanctuary or temple is found in Ezek 40-48, see Fig.1. Israel's Supreme Court had been expected to confirm that ruling on Monday, which was a big reason why tensions in Jerusalem were on the rise. These forces blind the nations the politicians, the media, the institutionalized church, the man in the street and the adherents of political Islam such that they believe a lie (2 Thes 2.10,11). Snow is on the ground in at least 48 of 50 U.S. states, according to three separate national snow cover maps. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, Father?, The fire and wood are here, Isaac said, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?. But to date rainfall statistics show no long-term rainfall improvement since the 1970s, link. Consider: The numbers below refer to verses in Isa 60, and text in bold hints at the glory of the post-millennial Jerusalem seen by John in Rev 21: This chapter is unquestionably eschatological, with glimpses of the restored Jerusalem in the millennial earth. It is to You we have looked; Be their arm every morning, Also our deliverance in time of stress. Some might try to argue that the biblical teaching on snow isnt really a teaching at all, but more a culturally conditioned expression on the part of ancient Israelites living in a warm climate, who werelike, Whoa, snow! But dont let those scholars and experts deter you fromfollowing clear biblical teaching. Although the whole earth is Mine, you will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Rabbi Fish then noted that (snow in 5781, the current year) is in gematria (Hebrew numerology) equivalent to the first line of the Shema prayer that acknowledges the kingship of God. So Moses went back and summoned the elders of the people and set before them all the words theLord had commanded him to speak. The Jews of His day found the concept of God walking with man an impossible concept, but does modern man with all his scriptural knowledge and hindsight find it any easier? In Genesis they read Gods promise to Jacob, grandson of Abraham: The land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and I will give the land to your descendants after you (Gen 35.12). The result of their witness is a great turning to God from all the nations (Rev 7.9,10). I hope my serious study of scripture has straightened this out for you all. The Jerusalem municipality is preparing the city for the winter blast. The Hebrew name for Jerusalem is Yerushalayim, and this is formed from two parts; Yireh + Shalem. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Stay on topic and contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way. Many evangelicals believe the New Testament has a number of references to such an event. These are children not born through a womans pregnancy, but born of God. So who are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The descendants of Jacob (Israel) were the twelve tribes of Israel and they settled in the Promised Land of Canaan (enlarge map). 19:44). 2 Samuel 23:20. They are coming from all over the world, from wherever they have been scattered amongst the nations. What is the biblical support for a millennial Jerusalem? According to the Book of Revelation, after the millennium the glorious earthly Jerusalem gives way to the new Jerusalem a spiritual concept where all the redeemed (Jew and Gentile) dwell for eternity with their Creator God. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Jews have won a total of 41% of all the Nobel Prizes in economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of physics and 19% of chemistry. But the three maps I looked at don't agree on the other snow-free state: It could be South Carolina, it could be Louisiana or possibly Mississippi. In 2015 the UN General Assembly adopted 20 resolutions against Israel, but only 3 against the rest of the world [UN Watch]. In recent years, India has expressed the desire to deepen and develop ties with Israel, and some see India as Israels best friend in South Asia. Subsection. The Levant objective falls under the general Islamic ideology of a world-wide caliphate, link. I then dusted myself off and left that church on the spot. states that in the Hebrew month of Nisan in the year before the Shemittah (the sabbatical), a great snowstorm will cause widespread global famine in order to raise in the collective consciousness that the Messiah is indeed imminent. Thank you so much for the link. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life. Before that, it had been 37 years since Ain Sefras last snowfall. As a result, the nation of Israel is once more being blessed in the country (abundant agriculture), blessed in the city (technological innovation) and blessed in the sea (discovery of large natural resources). This is atypical DEBKA hand-wringing because they haven't a clue (as secular Jews) about what the prophetic future holds.There is no agreement of any substantive accord; it was an abject failure from the get-go, a game of make believe, nuclear charades, and remains so to this minute. The so-called Gog-Magog war in Ezek 38-39 results in the attackers being defeated by the intervention of the God of Israel, rather than by the armies of Israel (Ezek 39.3). In Deuteronomy 28:1-16, we read: 1If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. The amazing promise of eternal life with our Creator is. Published. Israel's Purpose, Borders, & Future in Prophecy God's People, God's Land, "Now learn from the parable of the fig tree when it puts forth its leaves ", You [Zionist regime] will not see 25 years from today! [Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, Sept. 2015], function googleTranslateElementInit() { As the 1988 Hamas Charter states, Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it. While Spain was reach a new record of low temperatures and had its worst snowstorm since 1971. The West Bank refers to an area bounded by the so-called Green Line and the west bank of the River Jordan (SEE MAP). In neighboring Jordan, heavy snowfall closed roads in the capital Amman and made driving conditions treacherous across much of the country. Where have they all gone? That he penned this literary tantrum for the New York Times fully completes the big circle of Ezekiel 38's "Sheba and Dedan" in alliance with one of the "Tarshish" principles (the UK) and one of its primary "young lions" (the USA).In this piece PRINCE MOHAMMED BIN NAWAF BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD is virtually begging for a military intervention of the West in a majority Sunni country (Syria) in order to ensure its own Islamic dominance in the Middle East. The Midrash is based on a verse in the Book of Isaiah: Their offspring shall be known among the nations, Their descendants in the midst of the peoples. But then I remember that as a Christian, and especially as a biblical scholar, I need to study this matter biblically and see what the biblical teaching on snow is. And it is in the new and perfect earth where God comes and walks with man, as He did in the Garden of Eden. When Jesus spoke of the appearance of new shoots on the fig tree signalling that summer is near, He was really saying that His return and the coming of the fullness of the Kingdom of God is near even at the doors. We find in the Midrash that the snow will begin by damaging seeds and young plants, Rabbi Fish explained. Temperatures in the area fell below -2C, according to local weather reports. and (2) Snow in these verses are almost certainly scribal errors for blowas in Miriam had become leprous, as white as blow (Numbers 12:10). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Apparently this day was auspicious and had the potential to bring the Redemption but it was put off for one more sabbatical, Rabbi Fish said. Very often in Britain, especially when faced with the overwhelmingly anti-Israeli bias that is endemic in our liberal media and the BBC, we fail to ask ourselves what we would have done placed in their position? Divestment is where investors refrain from investing in Israeli companies or in companies that trade with Israel, and consumers boycott Israeli products, especially products from Israeli settlements in so-called Occupied Palestinian Territory. So when this takes place, and the mortal has been changed into the immortal, then the scripture will come true: Death is destroyed; victory is complete!. It will be a crown of beauty in the hand of the LORD (Isa 62.3), a place of praise and rejoicing for both man and his God (Isa 62.5,9). By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of all the cookies. (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.) Be your sins like crimson, They can turn snow-white; Be they red as dyed wool, They can become like fleece.. Archaeology proves the Bible 'stands up to scrutiny' claims expert. For instance, the global BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) aims to create economic and political pressure on Israel concerning (so-called) land occupation and Palestinian rights. This is spearheaded by the World Council of Churches (WCC) which has called on member churches (Anglican, Methodist ) to support an international boycott of Israeli settlement produce and services, link. Like snow in summer and like rain in harvest, So honor is not fitting for a fool. This suggests that millennial Jerusalem is located duly west of the northern end of the Dead Sea just like present day Jerusalem. While there is prophetic mention of snow being symbolically linked with the salvation of the human soul, such as found in Isaiah 1:18 ("Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool"), there is also Psalm 68 which This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Be your sins like crimson, They can turn snow-white; Be they red as dyed wool, They can become like fleece. Isaiah 1:18. }. Today this extreme ideology is underscored by ISIL. Bethlehem, Arabic Bayt Lam ("House of Meat"), Hebrew Bet Leem ("House of Bread"), town in the West Bank, situated in the Judaean Hills 5 miles (8 km) south of Jerusalem. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Israel is a West Asian state that is situated on the northern shores of the Red Sea and the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. In a follow-up question, 12 percent of respondents said the fulfillment of prophecy was the most important reason they supported the state of Israel. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 These tribes (enlarge image) are listed in Gen 49. Despite strong historical evidence, their leaders insist that Jerusalem was never a Jewish city, and they want the city as their capital. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Given on Aug 8, 2020 by Craig Scott Listen. The implied imperfection of the millennial age through the need for firm law is often overlooked. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. That is why his descendants, the Israelites, are blessed. Jerusalem (AFP) - Snow carpeted Jerusalem and its holy places Thursday as a rare wintry storm swept across Israel and the Palestinian territories as well as the wider Middle East. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. The Gentile nations at last acknowledge Jerusalem (Zion) as the Holy City (Isa 52.1): The Gentiles will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn the sons of foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you the sons of your oppressors will come bowing before you; all who despise you will bow down at your feet and will call you the City of the Lord, Zion of the Holy One of Israel (Isa 60.3,10,14). No wonder Jerusalem will be the location of the most epic battle of history! The result of such unbiblical teaching is that the institutionalized church takes the worlds view and essentially rejects modern-day Israel, and so pays little attention to end-time prophecy about Israel. In the time of Moses God made such a contract with the people (nation) of Israel, although the Bible refers to it as as Gods covenant. Increasing carbon levels cause global weather to become extreme which can bring hotter and colder temperatures. Israels strongest ally, the US, provides a diplomatic shield for her at the United Nations. Do not spam or promote unrelated products or services. This is in the form of extreme weather - extreme rain, hail and snow - and also by fire and brimstone similar to that which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Ezek 38.22)(Job 38.22,23). The UN has even resolved to raise the Palestinian flag at the UN headquarters after upgrading the Palestinians status to a non-member observer State even though no such state exists! The prophet Isaiah sees two Jerusalems at peace, one millennial, the other post-millennial: "No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise" (Isa 60.18), "The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory" (Isa 60.19). He has written numerous books, including The Bible Tells Me So, The Sin of Certainty, and How the Bible Actually Works. Although the Jewish temple does not yet exist and there. But consider: (1) These verses are all in the Old Testament, and who really cares about theOld Testament anyway? His study of the Daniel 8 prophecy during the Second Great Awakening led him to conclude that Daniel's . New Evidence for the Site of the Temple in Jerusalem (Associates for Scripture Knowledge) An extensive presentation of an alternate location for the Temple Mount, as proposed by Ernest Martin. We see this even with the pandemic, Rabbi Fish wrote. Up Next. Did you see Gods caveat? "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". Your support is greatly appreciated. Here we find the blessings (fruit) of the symbolic tree of life first mentioned in Genesis 2.9 in the Garden of Eden. The traditions locating the Jewish Temple on the plateau above the Western Wall are so ingrained that this shocking revelation will continue to be ridiculed and quashed for as long as possible. Rain in the Judean desert. Although they make up less than half of one percent of the world population, between 1901 and 1950 Jews won 14% of all the Nobel Prizes awarded for Literature and Science, and between 1951 and 2000 Jews won 32% of the Nobel Prizes for Medicine, 32% for Physics, 39% for Economics and 29% for Science. Heres what the Bible says about this amazing promise: In Revelation 21: 1-7, we read about Johns vision: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. And (perhaps between these wars) Israel also goes through a time of distress or tribulation referred to in Dan 12.1 and Mat 24.15-25. It is an answer to the common prayer: Your kingdom come. The Eastern Gate has remained sealed now for almost 500 years, and the Muslim cemetery still blocks the entrance. Ezekiel 40.2 suggests that the millennial Jerusalem is elevated. These wars will directly glorify the God of Israel as He openly defeats the attacking forces. The snow in Israel sent me into His Word early this morning; and so how anxious is the rest of the Bride of Christ for the promise of the Harpazo? Here age is translated from the Greek ain, meaning an age or a cycle of time (not world as sometimes translated). For both right-wing Israelis and Palestinians, the Sheikh Jarrah fight symbolizes the larger battle over Jerusalem. Why did the Creator of the universe give man the mandate to procreate and proliferate? 13The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.Isaiah 2:3. Hashem, be gracious to us! Walking along a line of huts and the railway siding where their forebears had been worked and starved and beaten and frozen and gassed to death, were a group of Jewish schoolchildren, one of whom was carrying over his shoulder the Israeli flag, a blue star of David on white background. So God started saying to me, "I want to tell you a few things"; and one of the things I said in the prophecy I said "there would be unusual weather." And I said there will be snow in places that has never snowed before "September 28, 2005. The storm may have bought Iran a few more days for their centrifuges.Israel is still working on clearing roads and restoring power to homes today.The storm by the way dropped the first snow in Cairo in 112 years! The answer is yes! Your email address will not be published. Its up to an individual to choose to believe in Jesus and be born a second time! But this isnt in the Biblethe real one, the one Protestants haveand I cant just go around picking and choosing whatever the heck I want just because Im mad at the snow. So Islam wants the Levant back! Unfortunately, as long as Arab countries refuse to recognize Israel and continue to attack her, such cohabitation would seem to be impossible. Abraham!, Do not lay a hand on the boy, he said. The thing is, I have always assumed many, as in a majority, interpreted Ezekiel 38:13 in the same manner as I have. The covenant incorporates biblical passages as well as rabbinic texts that emphasize the importance of the connection to the city. Jerusalem is the site of the Temple of Solomon and Herod. And here from Aljezeera from just 3 days ago, extremely unusual snow fall in Jerusalem: Jerusalem woke up to the rare experience of seeing its holy sites covered in snow on Thursday, with the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall under a layer of white after an overnight snowstorm. 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snow in jerusalem prophecy
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