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Forty years of reporting on New Hampshire cougar sightings has convinced Harrigan that the state is home to at least a handful of breeding animals. He is a consummate storyteller, and he wears on his sleeve his affection for the region and the hard-working, commonsense people who inhabit it. There were caribou antlers mounted above the front doors, and the interior walls were covered in row upon row of books; a long table was piled high with still more books in seemingly random arrangements. In my mind, I went through all the nots. Early spring 2019 I caught a glimpse of one entering over grown brush on the side of the road very very early in the morning. Large swaths of Vermont and nearby states along the Appalachian spine have gone from cleared land back to the kind of second-growth forest that is excellent habitat for deer and, thus, their predators, the most efficiently lethal of which is the mountain lion. Provided by Touchpoints But it seems virtually inevitable that a time is coming when that thing you see on the trail up ahead of you might be something to make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Tom Stearns, a Vermont Game Warden says they get reports all the time. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches.. . Maybe, I thought, but the shape seemed wrong. As cleared lands became reforested, many species that had been squeezed into small regions where there was still habitat,or hunted to near extinction, could be replanted in their former range. 104 Williston, VT 05495. This was after the department sent him out west to study the behavior of mountain lions. My mother always said she saw one across the street from our house one night in the late 50s early 60s. Yet I also remembered something Sue Morse had told me months before, as we sat in her living room drinking beer and chatting cats. I saw one about 10 years ago, on our road. My own inclination, for the little it matters, is to side with the professionals like Blodgett. It is also known as cougar, panther, mountain lion, and puma, though catamount is the preferred regional vernacular. If there is a follow up investigation, it turns out that people were mistaken about what they saw.. There are no breeding cougars in New England and we do not need any. Until 2011, that question rested upon a hypothetical. On one side, there are those (as represented here by Sue Morse, Kim Royar, and Christopher Spatz, along with a number of others I spoke with) who contend that the lack of verifiable evidence is proof that the animals are not here. They are most definitely here. On the other side, there are those (as represented here by Bill Betty and Bo Ottmann, along with a number of others I spoke with) who say the overwhelming quantity of anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. There is a reason that millions of people were afraid to go in the water after they saw the movie Jaws. Typical species behavior is for males to disperse from an area when the population reaches the carrying capacity of the habitat. The big cat on the ground before him, motionless, yet somehow still embodying that particular feline litheness, as if, with the flick of its tail, it might bound to its feet and disappear into the woods. The glasses I carried were of good quality with exceptional light-gathering property. My husband and where riding our Motorcycle down Rte 110 near Milan NH He and his clients were 100% sure of what they saw, and its very difficult to imagine any other animal being mistaken for a cougar in this case. Neither resemble a cougar! The old logging road was easy enough to navigate and I let my feet follow it while I kept my eyes up and scanning. [The catamounts] movements were so noiseless that Mr. Crowell found himself in this dangerous proximity before he was aware of it, and it was only by great coolness and daring that he severely wounded the animal and perhaps saved his own life, reads a placard attached to the display case. I live in New Milford and I saw one crossing the road in front of me when I stopped to get my mail from my mailbox. Instead, the responsne I heard were nonchalant, Oh, yes, lots of people have seen that mountain lion around here; pretty isnt it?. Also known as cougars, panthers or pumas, mountain lions range in color from tan to grey, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service. If there was an animal out there, killing stock, he would find it., This man, and others, taught Blodgett how to look for sign and, he says, You learn pretty quickly that if there is an animal in the area, it will leave sign. Although the US Fish and Wildlife Service declared the . Bearded, bowler hat, expression impenetrable behind facial hair and the stoicism of an earlier era. Spatz and Sue dont want to go where were going.. Harrigan is 72 and lives just outside the northern New Hampshire town of Colebrook; he has a long, craggy face that seems almost to have molded itself after the mountainous landscape of his home state. It was fast as hell but there was no mistaking its not only long,but THICK tail as it disappeared into the woods. I go out into the woods on the opening day of deer season every year and a lot of other Vermonters are out there with me. And, more often than not, when I told it, the person listening would nod and tell me about someone who had definitely seen a mountain lion/catamount in the Vermont woods or crossing a highway or, even, in the back yard. I wasnt planning to shoot her unless she moved in my direction. I mentioned this to a neighbor who spotted one a few miles away. and with my friend Chris Christinat who lives in hartsville we saw one stalking a rabbit on her lawn about autumn of 2009. Morse has been tracking cougars for 45 years, mostly in the mountains of the West, where their existence is not in doubt. All with eyes to see and spring loaded to see something. A few years later, though, the scat was retested with DNA analysis and found to be canid, rather than feline, in origin. Friends that go backcountry skiing in Vermont have reported seeing tracks to me many times and I have seen pictures of the pawprints myself that look overwheming like a mountain lion. Theymay not be looking, specifically, for a catamount. They are here & ..just a matter of time with photo or kill on a highway/road. Betty folded his arms across his chest, where they rose and fell and rose again with his breathing. He knew it was only a matter of time. Anticipating, perhaps, a moment like this. Clearly, Puma concolor once inhabited the forests of the Northeast, although its difficult to say in what numbers. As they watched in amazement, the cat casually moved off and disappeared into the surrounding woods. Its not my call. Where I live bears, wolves cougars etc roamed freely and now sadly if one of those apex predators is spotted our DNR will usually destroy it. My stepfather had been a hunter and was no stranger to seeing animals in the woods and countryside, so when they came up over a knoll in the road and saw a large cat looking at them, he saw the face and thought, bobcatuntil they then saw the rest of the animals body: huge, beautifully tawny colored, and in possession of what my mother described as a very long tail, that was as thick as my wrist. Of course no dash cam or accessible phone camera at the time! Yes I have seen several pictures on game cameras from people in Massachusetts in Central and western Mass that do have mountain lions on their game camera so please dont be ignorant. Vermont offers plenty of habitat in which mountain lions could thrive. The last catamount in Vermont is finally, officially, certainly dead. According to official estimates, as many as 1,000 people own, in spite of legal prohibitions, captive animals. In Vermont, it was 1881. I was tracking some deer tracks and I came to a promising deer run with a lot of deer scat on the ground when I noticed a cat track amongst the sign. Others have seen cougar in neighboring towns . You dont even have to go out and look for it.. Their bodies are mainly covered in tawny-beige fur, except for the whitish-gray belly and chest. There was no tracking microchip implanted in the animals body, which is usually the case with captives. 9 Grace Christian (9-11). The evidence, he says, just wasnt there., Mountain Lions Revisit Kill Sites I was agnostic, I suppose, on these stories which the state wildlife biologists inevitably found impossible to substantiate and, often, easy to disprove. So yes they are here and not to sure why they dont admit to them being around ! She said it jumped up on the neighbors stone wall which was pretty high and walked across it. Videos - Industry Stories; Find Candidates; By the late 20th century, the range of the catamount was confined to several western states and a small remnant population along the Gulf Coast that was eventually squeezed down into the Everglades/Big Cypress area of Florida and reduced to a couple of dozen animals of poor genetic quality due to inbreeding. So the initial assumption was that the animal was one of those captives that had either escaped or been released by its owner. If he was not determined to prove that someone had actually seen a mountain lion in Vermonthe is a scientist, after allhe was still excited by the possibility. Local game officials are saying that this is another one of those sightings where people claim to have seen a mountain lion. The combined scoring differential in those matchups was 158-77. Actually, Blodgett says, something of the opposite was true. Responding to complaints about a predator eating a local farmers sheep, Crowell and a small group of fellow hunters had tracked the big cat through the snow. Raised them carefully to my eyes. vital part of this countries ecosystem. It seems humans just cant resist destroying these animals and either dont realize or dont care what damage we have done to our natural environment over the centuries. And consider, for a moment, the concern and outright fear an official acknowledgment of such a carnivorous and predatory creature might evoke. Betty had driven up from his home in Rhode Island. All those deer hunters represent a kind of ad hoc search party. The last time a mountain lion was captured in New York was in the . Finally, in the third camp, there are the true believersthe cougar truthers, if you willthe men and women for whom the only logical conclusion (often reached after a significant investment of time, thought, and sometimes money) is that right here, right now, cougars live among us, feeding and breeding and rearing their young, and that suggesting otherwise is sheer ignorance, willful denial, or part of a mosaic of conspiracy. As I walked thru the beginning of the trail I spooked a deer and heard this awful screech and slowly backed out of there .. I started to get nervous so I was scanning the area low and high in the trees. I also know of someone who said they showed F&G a photo of one from a game camera in NH. This isnt to say she believes none of these animals has stepped foot on New England soil over the past century. About six years ago, my mother and step-father were traveling some back roads down to New Boston, NH to visit my sister where she lived in an extended care facility. Among the mountain lions typical behaviors is the way it will revisit, for several days, the carcass of an animal it has killed, moving it and cacheing it until there is nothing left to eat or the flesh has turned. Betty was quiet, and I wondered if even he, a man who does not doubt the presence of these cats in our midst and who himself claims multiple sightings, thought Ottmann was exaggerating. So long as the tails there, that is. So it is possible that, on occasion, someone would catch a glimpse of one of these animals. No doubt of what it was; size, color and recognizable tail. In the states where there are robust mountain lion populations, they are a threat to livestock, pets and, occasionally, humans. Was INCREDIBLE! And, he says, if they were here, wouldnt one have been killed on one of the states highways where cars and trucks travel some 9 million miles every year? Out & About | Best New England Holiday Events for 2019. There were caribou antlers mounted above the front doors, and the interior walls were covered in row upon row of books; a long table was piled high with still more books in seemingly random arrangements. The animal was too small and it lacked the long, sinuous tail of the catamount. We were about 50 feet from it and it stood taller than any labrador and we watched it tail and all slink down the side of the lawn and the rabbits being surprised out of the bushes. The debate rages in Maine, where the last confirmed cougar kill occurred in 1938, and in New Hampshire, where the last confirmed kill was in 1885. In the first, there are those such as myself, whove maybe heard a few second- or third- or fourth-hand stories as well as official denials from state agencies or professional biologists, and therefore find themselves betwixt and between, neither believing nor disbelieving. Dont forget, south Texas also used to home to two other species of cats ocelots and jaguarundis. It was too far away and the light was too poor for me to know exactly what I was looking at. If theres a middle ground in the cougar debate, it belongs to John Harrigan, a veteran outdoorsman, newspaper reporter, and widely read syndicated columnist. Betty, for instance, has presented on Eastern cougars more than 300 times, gathering many hundreds of sighting reports in the process. But I dont think it will happen any time soon.. COLCHESTER, Vt. Catamounts are. First about the animal, itself, and then about the lore and the possibility that the catamount was not, in fact, extinct in Vermont. Still more confusion ensued when a lab technician said she might have gotten some samples confused, and thus the canid result was thrown into doubt. I saw an adult cougar/catamount twice within a two week period. But a deer is not a predator, like a bear can be, and certainly not a pure predator like a mountain lion, which is a majestic animal precisely because it is also a dangerous one. They are here in the Catskill Mountains, so named for the magnificent felines. In Vermont, in the late 19th century, this meant, especially, sheep. on route to stone tower on Quabbin Hill. Reported mountain lion sightings are popping up all over Vermont and convinced onlookers say the proof is in the pictures. Bernier gets more than 50 reports of mountain lions a year. To date, Keeping Track has helped conserve 40,000 acres in 12 states and inQuebec. The captive narrative also helped explain why there had been so many sightings reported, including some in Greenwich, among the richest and most domesticated suburbs in America. I live in Vermont and have seen, in broad daylight, a mountain lion (catamount, cougar, puma). The key to Morses assertion can be found in the term breeding population. Although the fact that cougars have traveled through New England is irrefutable (a DNA-confirmed roadkill is hard to deny), Morse believes its unlikely that they have settled here and created a self-sustaining population. The last catamount killed in Vermont stands under glass just inside the doors to the Vermont Historical Museum in Montpelier, a hop, skip, and a jump down the block from the statehouse. But right now youre dealing with top-notch guys. Some with cameras. This, said Vermont Fish and Wildlife fur-bearer project leader Chris Bernier, is why he takes reports of mountain lion sightings seriously. Probably are lions in western NC, too. (The cat I saw when I was a young boy was on the Gulf Coast.). Also moose. The solitary animal seeks out new territory and eventually a new population will be established. Just like we dont need any slimy humans on earth period. But it was also a male. No need since so we guess it has moved on from the northeast corner of Connecticut. Dismissing most of the sightings as probable bobcats, Morse asserted that the scientific evidence has not been proven. So you can imagine there. Green Mountain Lion Corp. Home; Apply Now! Recall a few years back, a guy in a kayak off Horseneck Beach in Westport, MA, was tracked by a large fin. And, if those people who said they were seeing catamounts were wrong, and not just making it up, then what were they seeing? And, in the real world, a black bears fatal attack on a hiker in New Jersey last year made many people reconsider their warm feelings for that animal. Predator removal was steady and unforgiving from the early 1800s . Id need proof if I wanted people to believe me. Wildlife management programs succeeded in reintroducing species to areas where they had not been seen for years. There was one photographed on a porch in Greenwich, CT, looking in the patio window that made national news a decade ago. Email: Wildlife is unpredictable (and several people go missing in wild areas, parks especially, every year -Probably not because of alien abduction). He soon developed a five-question litmus test: How far away were you? What color was it? This assessment is echoed by the aforementioned Christopher Spatz, who has been studying cougars for better than 20 years. The mountain lion is also known as cougar, panther, or puma. Many on both sides of the cougar debate beileve that New Englands natural habitat would benefit from having an apex predator in the ecosystem again. There was no mistake. Beautiful creature. It kills to eat but does not necessarily practice any sort of conservation ethic. I now live in Boulder, CO where we have regular sightings.same animal as 35 yrs agohands down, Warren ,Ma early morning having my coffee on my front steps and noticed about 50 feet across the Road something coming out of the trail as it did it looked out at the road and turned around as it did I could see that it was a mountain lion ! Thank you; Blog. There was a tin of American Spirit tobacco on the table (Ottmanns), a laptop (Bettys), a notebook (mine), and a tumbler of Bacardi and Coke (Ottmanns again). In the states where there are robust mountain lion populations, they are a threat to livestock, pets and, occasionally, humans. Ive attended talks with Sue Morse. I noticed that there were many great websites, blogs, and discussion boards devoted to mountain lion sightings in other states of New England, but not one just for Vermont. I just heard from a fellow college student of a siting in Greenfield last fall and two in Colrain this spring. A deer is a wild animal and it is always a pleasure to see oneunless it is in the high beams, at night. Even in the controlled environment of a lab, the truth about Eastern cougars seems to be almost willfully eluding its seekers. They are much larger than bobcat and lynx, young adults can still have spots too. But they would certainly pay attention if they did see one. Because he lives among them, Harrigan understands that no one knows the woods better. In the few seconds that this took, I had convinced myself that I was looking at a mountain lion. A journey of nearly 2,000 miles. Phone: . Even in areas of high cougar density, the there are far more attacks on humans by domesticated dogs or deer/car collision fatalities than those due to cougar attack. But, yes, thats exactly what it was. There were pine cones on window sills, a well-used hatchet and a variety of animal figurines on display, and, near the television, a stack of videos including. It is what wildlife biologists call an apex carnivore, which means it can overpower pretty much any other creature in its environmentwith the exception of an armed human. They may get here, Doug Blodgett said to me one afternoon. My encounter was in Middlesex, VT along the river road (Route 2) just below I89. Scat, tracks, lays, scratch mounds youll see these things.. I was curious enough at the time to do a little research. There was one young kid, in his 20s, who had been doing it since he was in high school and he walked and thought like a cat. I had a pair of good binoculars in my coat pocket. It is hard for me to believe that the big cats havent found plenty of space to roam without regular detection. Theyre here. Were arrogant if we think were the only species that makes decisions based on fear, he told me when I called him at his home in Oregon. Defenders of Wildlife developed funding to support wolf predation on cattle which I believe worked. I saw a Mountain Lion in 2007 in Northfield, MA at the junctions of Rtes 10 and 63. If LTS can take care of business in that one, it would host the winner of the Bennington County matchup between No. I was aware, too, of how a certain mythology surrounding the animal had taken root in Vermonts culture and even its identity: The University of Vermonts athletic teams, for instance, are known as the Vermont Catamounts, and their logo features a snarling cat lunging through the cleft of a V.. Mr. Betty and Mr.Ottomans passion and efforts are impressive. Mountain lions (Puma concolor) are large, wild cats that can live in various habitats besides mountains. Perfect conditions, then, for thinking you saw something. Success stories being more fun to talk about than the other kind. When he suggested we retrace our route, past lion, to see a sow bear with cubs, we headed in the opposite direction. Unlike male cougars, the femaleslike this Montana cat with her cubdont tend to strike out for new territory, which makes it unlikely that a breeding population would establish itself far from the cougars current habitatsbut not impossible. The tail, I said. Theres probably 100 in Connecticut, Ottmann interrupted, rolling a cigarette as he spoke. If its not, you just thank the person and say good-bye.. Even though the experts say there arent any mountain lions in CT, there are. Inslerman said the DEC received about a half-dozen calls reporting sightings of mountain lions last year; two calls this week. Or, if it does, when that will be. Mountain Lions have been more prevalent to the west in the last 100 years, but many of the pockets of breeding populations east of the Mississippi River have been wiped out over the decades due to habitat loss and hunting. And thats a surprisingly complex question, because it hinges on numerous factors: policy and politics, culture and conditioning, habitat and, frankly, hubris. Regarding a breeding population that is the unknown. We clearly have migratory male cougars coming through. It had traveled, certainly, though Minnesota and Wisconsin and, who knows, perhaps even Vermont and might, then, have accounted for some of those sightings. If these animals are not in the habitat, what we see is an overabundance of herbivores., The ecologist John Laundre, who has spent 35 years studying cougars, concurs. But no. When I came out, the cat appeared in front of me coming up a rise (incredibly close to some ski condos). Green Mountain Lion Corp #256 34 Blair Park Road Ste. I heard from Neighbors that they have been sighting from the mass pike which runs along this area but also very close to Quabbin! There was, in California last year, a case of a mountain lion seriously injuring a six-year old who was walking a trail in Silicon Valley country. The females are where its at, she said. The truth is, I was by this point dubious. I think I may have pissed her off since I was up in that area X2 this week. A 140-pound male mountain lion was hit by a car and killed in 2011 in Milford, Connecticut. And the clincher, What would you say was the most distinguishing feature? He says that if mountain lions do . I had been the first vehicle in a line held up by one lane traffic on a bridge reconstruction. When I accepted the assignment to write about my quest to uncover the truth regarding the existence of cougars in New England, I had little idea what I was agreeing to. Videos. He wore red suspenders and a baseball cap. 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