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Its polite, it shows you arent feeling vindictive about the whole thing. I spent months putting up with awful attitudes and ridiculous demands (not to mention more than one tear-filled conversation), and that was just *planning* the wedding. Like I said earlier, for most people, its a big deal introducing a girlfriend, partner, etc to their family. January 15, 2013, 10:16 pm. He should set boundaries in which family recognizes his own family unit. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. to go without her. Better to nip this in the bud. To show that he has a stronger allegiance to you than to his family? So the i do except some times i dont would most assuredly clearly signify a question of your commitment your love and your agenda because when you are married you have an unspoken vow that NO ONE SHOULD EVEN HAVE TIME TO ASK ARE YOU GOING that vow isI love you through thick or thinI love you and promise to protect you to walk hand in hand through lifes ups and downsyou didnt promise to go promised to love and honorso by attendingby not bringing everyone together to find a solution like grown ups by ignoring the BLATENT and very public humiliation of being the family member the other half of your husband the uninvited family member is a passive aggressive public humiliation and your attendance is a clear choice to side with hurting you. Or I cant imagine why theyd exclude me, everything seemed fine the last time we got together., If I thought everything was fine between my SIL and I, or my husbands family and I, and out of the blue I was not invited to a family celebration, my first thought would not be Alas! bittergaymark And like someone above said, he can let his family know when he goes that he doesnt appreciate the fact that she was excluded and he thinks its rude. Why wasn't I invited?" 17. January 17, 2013, 4:26 pm. bittergaymark sometimes thats a good solution, and thats just how you have to coexist with certain people. January 15, 2013, 11:06 am. Ive never written to an advice column before and found Wendy by Googling for advice. Your. nope. You would invite someone even if they behaved threateningly to you or someone you love (like your SO or your parents or a kid) or if they had a violent criminal conviction or if theyd actually hurt someone else youre inviting? January 15, 2013, 11:14 am, LBH, I completely agree. There's no use in dwelling over someone not liking you, or wallowing in self-pity. January 15, 2013, 10:44 am. So how was hubby invited? While I cant promise its a simple reason why your boyfriend never invites you to family events, hopefully, you now feel much more confident about talking to him about it. Why cause more issues before? Relationship expert Dr. Gilda Carle cuts through the fluff with her love advice in's "30-second therapist" series. Now in lots of cases this isnt an issue where people use common sense, decency and can function like adults, and that pendulum can swing back and forth pretty easily, but if people dont behave then the problem shouldnt be left to fester At some point he is going to have to choose to stick up for his wife and insist that HIS family is treated a certain way by the rest of HIS family, or not, but he and his wife have to come to some sort of understanding and it doesnt seem like they are anywhere close. He's putting aside any negative feelings he may have toward their mother, not to mention any selfish feelings he may have about being his own man and doing his own thing.. Ok, I think this is more of a rant, but Im really annoyed by it. I just cant imagine being snubbed by my husbands family like that for no valid reason and not being upset about THAT. When you feel close to someone, it's easy to expect what you might call emotional symmetry. I played a major part in the way the backyard turned out. Skyblossom bethany The two times I have had this type of thing happen, it was personality driven. January 15, 2013, 3:24 pm, Or maybe shes having a trolley party and one person canceled, so she said hey bro I know you were thinking of coming out to Chi sometime, maybe you could come the weekend of my birthday because a seat opened up on the trolley but sadly just one seat? be the bigger person. Barring some extreme circumstance (you stole from her, you punched her in the face, you insulted her in some deliberate way), I actually WOULD expect the husband to decline the invite. What would be the purpose of your husband skipping his sisters 40th birthday party? If you wanted to go to the party, then it is okay to say so. Attempt to figure out why. Not true at all. Also, your bf is an asshole and this was such a dick move. Get a new boyfriend. To me the question isnt Is it worth him not going and adding to the fight? The question for me is Is it worth him going (which entails quite a travel) when it could cause problems with his wife, and his absence could easily be explained by the distance?. Its true, it can go either way. are you going to go? Although I am far from perfect, I did nothing wrong. In the span of two years I have seen his family two times, two hours total. You can follow me on Facebook here and sign up for my weekly newsletter here. ! Could be fun! LW did not express surprise, did not mention if she spoke to SiL, did not mention if this was the first time, did not mention all kinds of potentially important things. If he cannot do that then were doomed! My family would never expect, or even request those types of things of me. I just happen to come from a family that values independence and self reliance over family means everything. I would bend over backwards for my husband, to keep this good man in this family. January 15, 2013, 11:11 am. It sounds like you resent the time and effort that he spends on his family, and that is just really sad. I have been bullied, excluded, invalidated and mistreated by my husbands siblings. LW, I would urge you to let your husband go on his own to the party- heck, Id even buy the sister a pretty little gift and send it along- twist that knife in the wound! My mom never forgave my dads sister for getting drunk, driving my brother and me around town (ages 5 & 10) and talking crap about her. She is a professor emerita, has written 15 books, and her latest is Dont Bet on the Prince!Second Edition. But the husband has already decided to go, whether or not he should, and the LW is just going to have to deal with that in the best way she can, I guess. Shes have surely mentioned that Instead, the LWs silence is quite damning and most revealing of her guilt. So did you not say anything when he said "I didn't think you wanted to come"? Do you really want to go to the party or do you just want your husband to stay home? Shame on your husband!!!!! lemongrass Now you are not inviting the three children that are your grandchildren. LW, that youve already destroyed your own relationship with your sister in law but demanding now that your husband do the same? January 15, 2013, 3:57 pm. OH. Have you ever asked him if you could tag along? He treats your birthday with as much excitement as a root canal. Uhhhhhh some of my best friends in the world don't do big deal planning because too much planning stresses them out. (10 Tips for Handling This! Id be curious to hear your SILs side why shes excluding her brothers wife to an important event. Is this party SO AWESOME you need to cause some huge problem over it? A January 15, 2013, 11:09 am. Just because he stayed married to her doesnt wed him to share in the consequences of HER choices. but what this LW *can* control is how she acts. Now I usually don't have a problem with this, I'm very aware we shouldn't spend our every moment together, and some things are left to be individual, like hanging out with friends off course, we don't need to share everything. This is the fourth time he did this. January 15, 2013, 11:17 am. Once you think you've figured out the reason, or lack thereof, there's nothing to do but accept it and get over it. ), just separation and silence from both parties. And I think she is. Im floored by all the wisdom. GatorGirl He doesnt need to stay home with you for him to know you guys are a unit. FireStar Maybe her MIL has mamas boy issues and made it sound to the SIL like the LW would never be willing to come all the way to Chicago for a party in order to get her special boy to come out by himself. I dont see how youre putting someone out by inviting them somewhere. reader, So_Very_Confused+, writes (5 May 2014): A Make you do all these thingsor even allow you to volunteer to do soand treat you like an uber driver? but does that exclude you from ever interacting with anyone who doesnt like your spouse? (I don't bring my husband to parties for this very reason, although he is more of a "preacher at a whorehouse" partygoer. They both managed to have a perfectly fine time and act like adults because, well, they are adults! 4. I mean, why not say my SIL and I had a terrible fight, or my husbands family has never liked me, orwellsomething? You Go Girl Boyfriend and I have been together for almost three years now, and overall we have a wonderful relationship. I believe he needs to break that cycle. Family gets a pass on some stuff, but friends need to know better are arent truly friends. 15. If he doesnt, he needs to give his sister a talking-to. Its a family consensus that she is insane, but she is invited to every family event and respected. The husband is the link between the LW and the SIL. And Im still making compromises to protect my family my husband, and my MIL from their own familys particular brand of nasty. The SIL could be a racist troll and the LW stands up to her BS during conversations. There is no time or room in your life for people that do not have regard for your feelings. This s&#* is real. If youre to have a future together, its important you meet his family members and (hopefully) are accepted as an extended member of his family. This is a short letter and how slighted you feel by the sister depends on the context of the snub did you guys have a fight? You shouldn't feel discouraged by this. Ive told him my feelings and I do feel that my role is now to take the high road and not be petty. Couples are a unit. If you are calm enough to take the high road, usually you are clear enough to set boundaries.and if her hubby is just being rude and hopping on the bandwagon (if that is whats going on) then it will be clear to her. I'm wondering if the reason you are not invited is because the friends requested of him to not invite you and he just hasn't told you. Some people were kind of cold, but everyone was polite and made an effort to re-include herMy point is, I never understood alienating or refusing to invite the significant other of a relative when it comes to family events unless said person is physically or emotionally abusive or prone to huge, drunken, racist tirades. They are the ones who didnt invite his wife and put him in this awkward position. January 15, 2013, 9:43 am. ok, i change my answer. And I was right! Oh yeah, that letter does sound familiar. If hes having any doubts about the relationship or his future with you, hes going to be hesitant about introducing you to his family. Theres no reason to invite out-of-state friends are you getting married? Having the support of family members is incredibly important. female (I was bored today.) Leave marital advice to the pros, counsellors. January 15, 2013, 10:22 am. January 15, 2013, 5:18 pm. Whether you can kind of understand why, or whether you're completely caught off guard, here are a few steps to take to deal with the frustration of not being invited. I agree. You should definitely try to be a part of his life. I would have chimed in much earlier but Im only just now reading the responses after getting my kids to bed. If you and your husband are united in your battles, that makes the challenges and burdens much easier to navigate that if you arent. Really? Well crazy enmeshed and un-trusting (is that a word?). January 15, 2013, 10:29 am. is causing him to abandon his wife for the weekend, travel to Chicago to party, spend money on airfare and whatnot, and she has absolutely no say because its his family? Its a possible explanation for sure, but its shitty nonetheless. Sometimes you need to have fun with other people or on your own, that's fine. Formal party? My mom wound up calling her to smooth things over, & she called my mom a bitch. Also, storytime becausealthough its not totally similarI keep thinking about it: A few years ago, my uncle was dating this married woman. temperance Cant they say no? And that time you bumped into his aunt whilst shopping in Sainsburys for wine and crisps? Feeling left out is never an easy thing to deal with, so if you weren't invited somewhere, follow these five steps and you're guaranteed to feel better about whatever situation is bothering you. Graduation etiquette whether you're a high school grad or a college grad, a proud parent, or a friend or family member who has received a graduation announcement or an invitation to the party or the actual graduation ceremony here you'll find the answers for all your graduation etiquette questions about graduation ceremonies, gifts, parties, dinners, and more. They have made ridiculous requests of him (like contributing to their bills when we have student loans and a house down payment to save up for), including using his vacation time to clean their attic and him to spend weekends taking care of his grandparents, who refuse to accept Medicaid nursing assistance and insist on family care only. March 24, 2018, 12:44 am. 6. Heres the difference between 21 and 31: At 21 I say, Yay! I do think this is totally unacceptable a married couple is a unit. I think its rude and awkward, but I really wish the LW had told us the full story. Considering you didn't push the issue before the party it's easy to assume you don't vocalize your needs very well. Its possible they all know, but it is possible they dont. You're not overreacting, but all of this could have been handled differently. Vent to your close friends, if need be. Your ex could have gotten a totally swoon-worthy 'do that reminds you of Ryan Gosling during his Notebook days or Beyonc at the Grammys. My Boyfriend Did not Invite Me To His Birthday Party (5 Causes Why) Staying still left out of some thing isn't a awesome feeling. What an excellent response, Wendy! I do agree that theres probably a reason the LW wasnt invited (even though its almost always a faux-pas not to invite a spouse, except for the reasons GG said). Not as rare as all that. They mostly did it when I was alone so I think that he thought that I was being too sensitive. January 15, 2013, 9:32 am. I have a wonderful husband, but I do not get along with his family. To cut a long story short tonight is the boyfriends work xmas party, im not invited but expected to pick him up. 152. Talk to him let him know how hurt this has made you.Show him all thease comments.My final word is he should have your back no matter whattell him I said so. This party was a going away party for one of his friends, and some of our mutual friends were present (so it's not like I would be a complete stranger there). That just seems so strange. female Idk help ! My husband is passive and allowed the abuse for many years. I think that if he would have, they would have treated me better, not for me, but for him, which would have been much better than being abused by them for 33 yrs. Theres been many an occasion when Ive been excluded from family events in the past (for birthdays to weddings), and while its always insulting, at this point, 10 years into the relationship and 5 years into our marriage, Im happy to let him go visit on his own. It's perfectly acceptable to want to hang out without our SO sometimes. Thank god for my husband! And he is done. If its anything else then I think the SIL is in the wrong and the LW has every right to ask her husband to either smooth things over with the sister or him to not go. theattack However, Im a people pleaser. My life is not perfect. Sue Jones I would tell my husband to go and plan fabulous things to do that weekend on my own with my friends, family, or kids. MISS MJ Confusion = Hes just not that into you. Though I agree with lbh that she knows why (and so does the husband). He may be loyal today but eventually he will question your love for him. But she left that out, which I think is a little telling. GatorGirl His response? I have to wonder if it isnt something like this. She was invited to family birthday parties, dinner, holidays, etc. This is a real possibility that also needs to be investigated. January 15, 2013, 11:57 am. I feel like if anyone is going to say anything to her, it should be me. Skyblossom January 15, 2013, 9:40 am. I would then never have anything to do with him ever again. But his family has never liked anyone that hes with. so many fun possible conspiracy theories! I think she should call the sister-in-law directly and try to find out whether there is a problem. My crime? I cant wait to hear an update on this one! 1. I've always subscribed to the it not the "If you have a partner, then there's no . Im a guy and find it disrespectful. be like, hey, sister! Well, they finally have showed their true colors to him. Addie Pray Im I happened to overhear on a Thanksgiving phone call, then heard he was bending to She Who Decides and he was fine. Im independent as hell, go on ~one vacation and many business trips alone every year, and this would make me super irritated. January 15, 2013, 10:42 am. Feb. 6, 2019. Want Dr. Gilda to answer your relationship questions? Maybe you were invited.Maybe your hubby just wants to go alone.We really do not know the whole story here.Maybe his sister and you do not get along.If that is the story go whew dont have to sit thru the family crap. And if this is a continual thing, then she does need to bring it up, with her husband and figure out a way to work through things. Were going to get to the bottom of this! Pray for God to open your husbands heart, ears and mind to your hurt. January 15, 2013, 9:12 am. Did it upset me? i feel bad for that couple, theattack The simple reality is that weddings are extremely expensive, with Business Insider reporting that the average US wedding costs around $33,000.Moreover, "[w]hile there's a current trend in hosting fewer guests, the average cost per guest is increasing, due to couples wanting to create a unique . Heres 22 signs he absolutely, under no circumstances, wants to be your boyfriend. I think the Husband should NOT go to this party for his sister. Dear partner was going to go anyway, hadnt breathed a word of any of it- even about seeing them. Perhaps that is one reason why FSIL doesnt like you so much. either you are an asshole or your SIL/husbands family is an asshole. nope. This is not acceptable. Dont cause trouble on top of trouble. If his family accepts her then they will gain a new sister. GatorGirl Weve had some very stressful times that challenge a marriage but have ultimately made us stronger. I think you just have to be super straightforward. My husbands opinion is that a mailed invitation would have been really bad, but that the text method was only kind of bad. He doesn't take me out with his friends. Now, this is my opinion because this is his sister. It wasnt an invitation in the mail. Most of all, I was really hurt. Make a quick call to your SIL and tell her you heard the dinner was really nice and you just wanted to call and wish her a happy birthday. For example, the husbands family may dislike her because she is of a different race, religion or culture. also, i wouldnt marry someone who would get involved in drama, so really our united front would be something along the lines of.. so, she doesnt want me to come? Maybe you should think if there was any other time he upset you or made feel bad? January 15, 2013, 11:28 am. I have awesome in-laws who have welcomed me as one of their own except for my MILs family. By Maggie Parker. So by that logic, your SIL has every right to invite whomever she wants. If he does not help to resolve this issuewhatever it ishe is opening the door for his wife to be excluded from everything and saying its okay for the discord in the family to continue. The wedding situation seems especially odd because weddings are where two people become a family, so to excluse someone elses spouse on the basis of them not being family at an event where you are becoming a family with your SO is pretty hilariously hypocritical. This summer my sister invited me on a trip with her but did not invite my fiance. 40 is half way to death (assuming youre lucky enough to make it to 80). If it was her decision not to invite you, hopefully shed explain why. Its hard for me to imagine a healthy marriage wherein the two people absolutely could not go anywhere without the other without it breaking down the integrity of the marriage. /r/Relationships is a community built around helping people and the goal of providing a platform for interpersonal relationship advice between redditors. And, if the husbands family is so awful that theyd exclude someone like this with no real justification, thats an issue to be addressed, too. MISS MJ Image credits Photo by Ins Castellano on Unsplash. It sounds like they have been allowed to disrespect you and they know that they can get by with it. That's definitely not a good reason either, but don't accuse him of something just in case it wasn't his fault you weren't invited. My step-siblings hated my mother, and for 30 years excluded me from family events in spite of my efforts to develop relationships and get along. Fancy yourself as an agony aunt? In toda. Also, when things start coming into your marriage, its completely natural to have feelings about it one way or the other that you want your spouse to respect or at least consider. and yea, ill agree its shitty -id never do that, like i said- but if thats who she wants at her birthday party, jlyfsh Family dysfunction could also be a factor here. I dont have an advice but I can empathize and validate that this is a heartbreak from your husband and to do it in a text was so underhanded. Good one. The fact that he is not supporting you here is a bit fishy. January 15, 2013, 5:12 pm. Hes super close with his family & I have a good relationship with them as well. It stung and the relationship with the person was never the same. Some of them he even hid from me and still does not know that I know. But yeah I will talk to him about it. Maybe it's getting overwhelming keeping your frustrations in, it's getting impossible to pinpoint a reason, or you just want other perspectives on the situation. If they wanted me there, they would have invited me. Im with you that its incredibly rude that you werent included in the invitation to your SILs 40th birthday party. Her husband has already decided to go over her objections. Remember, its a big deal introducing a partner to family members. Not because the LW should be welcome in your scenario, she understandably is not. BUT. In my family/friends we are pretty informal, so even its not explicit plus ones are always assumed to be invited. It's helpful to start by thinking about why it might be that you weren't invited. Offbeat Wed Vendor This never feels good, but you can never control how other people feel. female This means hes not just avoiding a certain person or an awkward situation, hes trying to keep you and this part of his life a secret for some reason. I would expect him not go to an event hosted by his sibling if I wasnt invited. January 15, 2013, 3:11 pm. Same with friends. Although, like you said unless it was made blatantly clear that the LW was not invited I would probably have assumed that being his wife I was expected to show up (I guess Im not used to formal invites to birthday partiesusually my friends do evites or emails and one of just says plus 1). I would leave his ass. FossilChick That said, I mean family events like major milestone birthday parties where people fly in out of state, big weddings (not small courthouse weddings or weddings where you only want to invite something like 12 people), holiday parties, etc. I think it all goes back to what Wendy said have discussion(s) with your husband about the fact that this incident has shaken you to the core and caused you to doubt the foundation of your marriage. well, im not the kind of person to get involved in drama. I would also try to find out why I wasnt invited. Sometimes we need to make sacrifices. wow, I think your bfs only mistake was not having the ""s to tell you to get rid off your friends. January 16, 2013, 9:03 am. March 25, 2018, 7:34 am. If someone really likes you, he wouldn't want you to celebrate a holiday without him. i love any excuse for a good party. While this is somewhat understandable, it can still hurt, but at least you know that's the reason. It made me feel special. I then did something way better. January 15, 2013, 2:05 pm, Im celebrating the shit out of 35, bc theres no way Im making it to 80, Addie Pray LW, I think you should either flat out ask your husband what the f is going on or call your SIL and ask her what the f is going on. All of a sudden it is so important that he is there. NO marriage is a bed of roses but I am pretty sure no one will be writing that in the about me section of their website. is their anything more agonizingly embarrassing then being sung Happy Birthday to in a restaurant? You should have a better foundation than that but constant, endless slights do take a toll on a marriage and can break it over time. It really does turn on the reason why she is excluded. she definitely knows. The type of function it is should ever ever be an invite to only one partner! Great In Laws Who Just Don't Trust Anyone !. Meaning, you dont allow anyone to be rude or nasty to them. Like Wendy said, Im guessing there are serious issues that led to this very blatant exclusion, and Im sure the degree of their legitimacy depends on how you talk to. dang it, she said something like that once and it was awesome! She should just MOA! Who knows if the reason is good. January 15, 2013, 11:01 am. Having a "Guys" night. I know you are a gf, but thats all you are, a much younger gf and not a wife, no mention of how long you have been dating and the length of time matters sometimes. And I got carded. January 15, 2013, 11:26 am. Fabelle In the end, I dont want my husband to choose between his family and me. Vathena I know that if I invited my brother to something, it would be assumed that his wife would be invited. lets_be_honest because she is the spouse of someone in the family. Press J to jump to the feed. I guess its because I feel so terrible about not being invited but yet he is still choosing to go. I just was thinking of my 30th and it was awesome having everyone in one place, many of them out of staters. Anyways, we battle on together to keep our family united. Fight back! If hes not made your relationship public on social media and youve never met a single member of his family, you have a bigger issue than just not attending events. If you want to remain uninvolved because you are not invested in either side or you dont want to upset anyone. It normally makes us experience undesirable, overlooked, and that we never make a difference, These feelings can be designed even worse when it's an event like your boyfriends birthday that you're Just bc you dont think birthdays are a big deal, why does everyone have to agree with that? family, isnt a bad thing. If none of that happened and you are usually a happy sport for parties, then I'd be having a conversation with him the next day about why he didn't want you to go, since he knows you like to go to parties. I wouldnt have invited her either. January 15, 2013, 10:13 am, EricaSwagger January 15, 2013, 11:26 am. January 15, 2013, 9:51 am. I totally see your point, Addie, but at the same time, even if that is the case, she shouldnt give her SIL more occasion to prove her right. It would be quite the adjustment if I ended up with a man whos family was this demanding. . The whole ten years we have been married she never called him for any events involving his sister or else wise. Unless there is a seriously valid reason I would request he doesnt go. Just sitting back and letting hurt feelings simmer on both sides doesnt help at all. I dont know how to handle a situation that hasnt happened yet. jlyfsh There are ways to deal with this feeling and make the best of the situation. Something ain't right there. Your email address will not be published. 16. You like him, you like, really like him. I am AMAZED that you advised this woman that it does not affect the integrity of her marriage if her husband attends a family gathering in which SHE..his deliberately excluded! It sounds like your husband has already decided what hes going to do and thats to attend his sisters party. Sibling if I invited my brother to something, it can still,! Sils 40th birthday party you to celebrate a holiday without him either side or you dont my. Is insane, but friends need to cause some huge problem over it good relationship your... He spends on his family & I have been handled differently my kids to bed cuts through fluff. Is incredibly important the three children that are your grandchildren sudden it is ever. Really sad little telling and adding to the party, then it okay... Bfs only mistake was not having the `` '' s to tell to! Know that 's fine offbeat wed Vendor this never feels good, but friends need to stay home bend backwards. 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Seriously valid reason I would have chimed in much earlier but im only just now reading the responses after my. And the goal of providing a platform for interpersonal relationship advice between.. Circumstances, wants to be super straightforward important that he has a allegiance., ears and mind to your SILs 40th birthday party you really want to go to this party so you! 3:24 pm, http: // although I am far from perfect, I did think! My kids to bed time or room in your life for people that do not have regard your! Of my best friends in the invitation to your close friends, if need.. Bet on the Prince! Second Edition you did n't think you just have to be super straightforward with! Keep our family united community built around helping people and the goal of providing a platform for interpersonal relationship between! Decided what hes going to say anything to do with him ever again law but demanding now that your to... For your feelings brand of nasty are a unit particular brand of nasty 's `` therapist! My fiance is so important that he spends on his family & I have his. The situation just want your husband skipping his sisters party, I completely.... Being upset about that follow me on Facebook here and sign up for my husband, to our. A restaurant fine time and act like adults because, well, they would have invited.... Awesome in-laws who have welcomed me as one of their own except for my husband but. The fight they will gain a new sister been really bad, but is! Insane, but it is should ever ever be an invite to only one!! Doesnt help at all welcomed me as one of their own familys particular brand of nasty found Wendy Googling... Supporting you here is a problem about that acceptable to want to remain because! Update on this one SIL could be a part of his life! Second Edition such a dick.. Partner to family birthday parties, dinner, holidays, etc the party do... Be assumed that his wife and put him in this awkward position agree with LBH that she knows (! For advice to remain uninvolved because you are not inviting the three children that are your.. Husband should not go to this party for his sister to know better arent... Should ever ever be an invite to only one partner the `` s! Mistake was not having the support of family members and thats just how have...

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boyfriend didn't invite me to his party
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